Ehab Tawfik - إيهاب توفيق
Biography of Ehab Tawfik

Ehab Tawfik is an outstanding Egyptian singer, Middle-eastern artist, born January 7, 1966.
Seduced by music since his early childhood, Ehab Tawfik took lute lessons and discovered his artistic talent.
Ehab Tawfik graduated with a Masters Degree in 1995 and started working toward a Doctorate in Music and Arabic singing he completed in April 2002 for a thesis entitled : "The Methods of Performing Arabic Singing in Egypt during the second half of the last century".
Ehab Tawfik officially started his musical career in 1989 with a debut single "Dany" followed by his first album “Ekminny” he released one year later but he actually broke with a hit “W Adda Lil” released in 1995 which earned the fame he sought for.
Ehab Tawfik’s discography includes 15 albums celebrating practically year by year during 28 years a heady career and a surprising talent for creativity. The latest is an album vowed to religious theme and is titled “Ya Rassul Allah” and launched in 2007.
In 2007, Ehab Tawfik married Nada Ehab Tawfik and signed with Alam El Pahn Production Company.
Comments on Ehab Tawfik
- Pseudo : Sama Ehab
- Date : 25 september 2010
- Hour : 17:33 GMT
- Comment n° : 9881
I like his songs, his personalty and his feelings. I love his way, how he is showing and touches people's feelings with his songs .. always on fashion and cool. Always active and concerned with all what's happening around the world. Warm, sensitive, intelligent and high-class person.
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Official Website of Ehab Tawfik, photo of Ehab Tawfik, song de Ehab Tawfik, album of Ehab Tawfik 2025, music video of Ehab Tawfik , word of Ehab Tawfik , listen Ehab Tawfik mp3
HI MY NAME IS SAM I hope I don't sound like what other people are saying on here,it gets boring hahahhaha! I always wanted to become a singer and I'm in love with your lovely music, with the things you say from the heart and I've always wanted to meet you but I guess sometimes you plan things and it doesn't come your way and all I wanted to say is that I've always wished to sing next to you. That would be an honor and I want to see how it feels to be next to an awesome singer and, trust me, I wouldn't disappoint you. I hope to hear from you. Thank you.