Ayman Zbib - أيمن زبيب
Biography of Ayman Zbib

Ayman Zbib, Lebanese Singer.
Ayman Zbib is among the most talented of young artists in Arab musical scene. Since he released his first single, Ayman Zbib became one of the most acclaimed singers .
Ayman Zbib gave shows in several countries and in the most prestigious halls of the Arab-speaking world. Ayman has performed in the Open Municipal Stadium of Aleppo on September 7th, 2007.
Comments on Ayman Zbib
- Pseudo : Siba
- Date : 7 december 2009
- Hour : 3:27 GMT
- Comment n° : 7563
Hi :) I would like to know where will Ayman be singing on New years eve 2010, and who to contact for more details. I hope I can get an answer soon so that I can reserve places, the new CD of Ayman is very nice and I enjoy listening to it so much, hope he will succeed more and more and give us his fans such gifts to enjoy. Best luck for his path and hope to see him this new years eve 2010. Thank you.
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Official Website of Ayman Zbib, photo of Ayman Zbib, song de Ayman Zbib, album of Ayman Zbib 2025, music video of Ayman Zbib , word of Ayman Zbib , listen Ayman Zbib mp3
Thanks a lot for making us believe in true love through your lovely songs and I wish you all the best. Everytime I see your beautiful face my heart starts beating. I wish to meet you one day! You're the best artist in the world. All your songs are nice, especially "ana lea", "nbaa sawa", "azez alea", "krmalek ya habibi", "oyoun el amar"...To sum it up, you area true pearl in the Arab World. My name is Dima and I wish you only the best.