Cheba Nabila - الشابة نبيلة
Biography of Cheba Nabila

Cheba Nabila, Moroccan Raï female singer.
In only few years, Cheba Nabila built a huge fan base in Morocco and among Moroccan immigrants all over the world.
Cheba Nabila is one of the most acclaimed Moroccan young singers with big sales on her albums. She gave concerts all over the world and performed in prestigious stages of the globe.
Cheba Nabila’s best works are : “Rah Lgalb Bghah”, “Ma Tjebdou Liya Smito”, “Mouk Wa3ra” and “Chouf Fiya O 3teni Waqt“.
Comments on Cheba Nabila
- Pseudo : Yaime
- Date : 26 march 2010
- Hour : 4:54 GMT
- Comment n° : 8546
Hi Cheba, I'm from Cuba and I love your music. I'm a big fan of Moroccan music. I love the beat of the songs and the dance from there. I even brought your music to Cuba and everybody loves it! I will love to buy all your albums one day, your songs have such a unique rhythm. One of my favorite songs is "A MAMA YA MAMA": very good song!I also would love to be at one of your concerts one day... I wish you the best of all!
- Pseudo : Tom Stonefield
- Date : 1 september 2011
- Hour : 22:17 GMT
- Comment n° : 11530
I love Nabila's music, but she is impossible to find in the US. I wish I knew about her when I was in Morocco a few years ago, I could have bought an album or two. Visit America, Cheba Nabila! People may not be open to types of music that they have never heard before, but there are some people who would really love you.
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Official Website of Cheba Nabila, photo of Cheba Nabila, song de Cheba Nabila, album of Cheba Nabila 2025, music video of Cheba Nabila , word of Cheba Nabila , listen Cheba Nabila mp3
Nabila, You must come to Afghanistan for a concert - the Afghan people will be very happy please, please, please! Your beauty and lovely picture give us the most respectful images - you are unique when talking, walking, dancing. Your eyes are the best of every thing for us - the afghan people like you a lot - the best beautiful girl - the Morocco's and Afghanistan's relations are good and we love to refresh it once again! Nabila is the one that can make our friendship better.