Salma Alaoui Ismaili - سلمة علاوي اسماعلي

Salma Alaoui Ismaili

Country: Morocco
Hits: 169815
Date of birth: 12/05/1987

Comments on Salma Alaoui Ismaili

  • Pseudo : Peterson
  • Date : 16 december 2009
  • Hour : 21:16 GMT
  • Comment n° : 7674

The songs by Salma Aloui Ismaili are good to hear and I liked them wholeheartedly. The music is fine and fantastic. Please keep the songs which are similar to this kind of tracks and I am from India and I love Arabic Music and i would like to hear more Arabic Songs! Please try to inform the on-line listeners like me in near future by sending the information through mail campaigns. Thanks a lot for the wonderful updating work of different singers on this site.

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